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The main objective of Irish Seed Savers is to conserve Ireland’s very special and threatened plant genetic resources. Their work focuses on the preservation of heirloom and heritage food crop varieties that are suitable for Ireland’s unique growing conditions. Irish Seed Savers Association maintains the country’s public seed bank with over 600 non-commercially available varieties of seed.
They conserve and grow heritage apple trees and other fruit tree varieties. They run workshops throughout the year on various topics to help inform and teach others how to save seeds and grow their own food and be self-sustainable and to help encourage greater food security for future generations. They Grow, Preserve, Conserve and Share their seeds, knowledge and their love for the land. You can find more information on their workshops and how to follow them on their website.
Irish Seed Savers
Biodiversity refers to the huge variety and variation of life that surrounds us on planet earth. Maintaining a high level of diversity among plants, animals and all living things all around us is essential in keeping the environment healthy and fit for human life. This includes diversity within species, between species and diversity of ecosystems.